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Configuration of n6 Pipeline


The following examples assume the home directory path is /home/dataman and the project directory path is /home/dataman/n6.

Generating pipeline components’ configuration files

To create configuration files required for the n6 pipeline (N6DataPipeline) components to work, run the command:

$ mkdir /home/dataman/.n6
$ cp /home/dataman/n6/N6DataPipeline/n6datapipeline/data/conf/* /home/dataman/.n6/
$ cp /home/dataman/n6/N6DataSources/n6datasources/data/conf/* /home/dataman/.n6/

The configuration files should have been created in /home/dataman/.n6.

$ ls /home/dataman/.n6/
00_global.conf  00_pipeline.conf  02_archiveraw.conf  05_enrich.conf  07_aggregator.conf
60_abuse_ch.conf  60_amqp.conf  60_cert_pl.conf  60_cesnet_cz.conf  60_dan_tv.conf


Let us adjust logging configuration by editing /home/dataman/.n6/logging.conf

Example configuration with the root logger and handlers: syslog (writes to Syslog) and stream (displays log as an output of a process):

keys = root

keys = syslog, stream

keys = n6_syslog_handler, standard

level = INFO
handlers = syslog, stream

class = StreamHandler
level = INFO
formatter = standard
args = (sys.stdout,)

class = n6lib.log_helpers.N6SysLogHandler
level = WARNING
formatter = n6_syslog_handler
args = ('/dev/log',)

format = n6: %(levelname) -10s %(asctime)s %(name) -25s in %(funcName)s() (#%(lineno)d): %(message)s

format = n6: %(levelname) -10s %(asctime)s %(script_basename)s, %(name)s in %(funcName)s() (#%(lineno)d): %(message)s
class = n6lib.log_helpers.NoTracebackCutFormatter

With the configuration above, syslog handler is set to WARNING, stream handler is set to INFO, and the logger overall is set to INFO logging level. You can change logging levels for each handler separately or for the logger globally.


The Enricher uses a DNS resolver to enrich data by adding IP addresses converted from FQDNs, so you need to provide proper values for config options: dnshost (hostname of a DNS resolver), dnsport (port number of the resolver) in the /home/dataman/.n6/05_enrich.conf file.

If you have access to GeoIP databases (GeoLite2-ASN or/and GeoLite2-City) and want Enricher to add ASN or/and CC to acquired addresses, you should provide value for config option geoippath and one or both of asndatabasefilename and asndatabasefilename.

If you do not want Enricher to enrich some IP addresses, you can blacklist them by appending to a list in the not required option excluded_ips. Example Enricher’s configuration:

geoippath=/usr/share/GeoIP ; a directory with GeoIP database files, if provided
asndatabasefilename=GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb ; optional GeoLite2-ASN database file
citydatabasefilename=GeoLite2-City.mmdb ; optional GeoLite2-City database file
excluded_ips=, ; optional blacklist of IP addresses

Note that you can download GeoIP database files from:

Aggregator and Comparator

Aggregator and Comparator both use a database file to serialize and deserialize an object which is to be stored.

To create directories for state files, run the command:

$ mkdir -p /home/dataman/.n6state

The database file will be created automatically on the first aggregator or comparator run. Edit file /home/dataman/.n6/07_aggregator.conf and provide values for config section: dbpath.


Edit file /home/dataman/.n6/07_comparator.conf and provide values for config section: dbpath.


It is recommended to leave the remaining configuration options with default values.


You can configure Filter component to use a list of categories (separated by commas) that will only match over the FQDN except IP/ASN/CC/URL. The parameter is optional.

Edit file /home/dataman/.n6/23_filter.conf and provide values for config section: categories_filtered_through_fqdn_only.



n6 configuration for RabbitMQ lies in section rabbitmq, in the file:

Change the value of the host key option if the RabbitMQ service is installed on a different server. If the broker is on the local machine - leave host=localhost.

By default, the configuration file sets the connection to the RabbitMQ service unencrypted. If you do not want to use an encrypted TLS connection, leave the default settings. However, the TLS secure connection is recommended. Change the option value port=5671 to port=5672 and ssl=0 to ssl=1 in the section [rabbitmq] if you want to enable TLS connections. TLS-enabled server requires certificate/key pair that it uses to encrypt traffic sent on the connection. The example certificate/key pairs have been generated by tools etc/ssl/, etc/ssl/ and placed in the directory etc/ssl/generated_certs. You can use them to configure the connection or generate new ones. Adjust the file paths to the certificate storage location.


n6 configuration for RabbitMQ in section pipeline, in the file:

The n6 components use the ‘pipeline’ section to configure their “place” in the RabbitMQ pipeline. To configure a component, create the option, which name equals to the component’s lowercase class name. Each option can be assigned a list of values (each value being a string, separated by commas). These values, called “routing states” here, are then used to generate their binding keys - keys that assign messages sent by other components within the same exchange to the component’s inner queue. Routing states that components’ output messages are sent with: * Parsers: parsed * Aggregator: aggregated * Enricher: enriched * Comparator: compared * Filter: filtered * Recorder: recorded

Values in this configuration template create a default order of components in n6 pipeline.

Now, let us try to run one of n6 parsers!

(env)$ n6parser_abusechfeodotracker202110
n6: INFO       2020-01-16 12:31:17,313 UTC n6lib.log_helpers         in configure_logging() (#133): logging configuration loaded from '/home/dataman/.n6/logging.conf'
n6: INFO       2020-01-16 12:31:17,316 UTC n6lib.config              in _load_n6_config_files() (#1042): Config files read properly: "/home/dataman/.n6/00_global.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/02_archiveraw.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/05_enrich.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/07_aggregator.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/07_comparator.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/09_auth_db.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/21_recorder.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/23_filter.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/60_abuse_ch.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/60_misp.conf", "/home/dataman/.n6/60_spam404_com.conf", [...]
n6: INFO       2020-01-16 12:31:17,319 UTC n6.base.queue             in connect() (#459): Connecting to localhost
n6: INFO       2020-01-16 12:31:17,320 UTC pika.adapters.base_connection in _create_and_connect_to_socket() (#212): Connecting to ::1:5672
n6: INFO       2020-01-16 12:31:17,324 UTC n6.base.queue             in on_connection_open() (#492): Connection opened
n6: INFO       2020-01-16 12:31:17,343 UTC n6.base.queue             in open_channels() (#537): Creating new channels

Notice the last lines of the log. The parser created channels, so it means that the n6 component is connected with the RabbitMQ server. Log in to RabbitMQ’s management graphical interface by rabbitmq-server with browser going to http://localhost:15672 in web browser and check the tab queues. There should be a new entry:


You can close the parser with CTRL + c. It will gracefully close the connection and exit.

Event databases (MariaDB)

As the dataman user, edit /home/dataman/.n6/21_recorder.conf, section recorder. Primarily, set a proper database URI - SQL event database (URI should include username, password, hostname and database name):

uri = mysql://root:yourMysqlPassword@localhost/n6
echo = 0
wait_timeout = 28800

SQL files placed under n6/etc/mysql/initdb will create tables events and client_to_event in database n6 (tables used mainly for event storage).

$ mysql -p -u root < /home/dataman/n6/etc/mysql/initdb/1_create_tables.sql
$ mysql -p -u root < /home/dataman/n6/etc/mysql/initdb/2_create_indexes.sql

Auth DB

Auth DB database is used for authentication and authorization.

First, edit (as the dataman user) the /home/dataman/.n6/09_auth_db.conf file, section auth_db:

url = mysql://root:yourMysqlPassword@localhost/auth_db


Here it is url, not uri as earlier.

Tables for authentication should be created using n6 script n6create_and_initialize_auth_db:

(env)$ n6create_and_initialize_auth_db -D -y
* The 'n6create_and_initialize_auth_db' script started.
* Dropping the auth database if it exists...
* Creating the new auth database...
* Creating the new auth database tables...
* Inserting new `criteria_category` records...
  * CriteriaCategory "amplifier"
  * CriteriaCategory "bots"
  * CriteriaCategory "backdoor"
  * CriteriaCategory "cnc"
  * CriteriaCategory "deface"
  * CriteriaCategory "dns-query"
  * CriteriaCategory "dos-attacker"
  * CriteriaCategory "dos-victim"
  * CriteriaCategory "flow"
  * CriteriaCategory "flow-anomaly"
  * CriteriaCategory "fraud"
  * CriteriaCategory "leak"
  * CriteriaCategory "malurl"
  * CriteriaCategory "malware-action"
  * CriteriaCategory "other"
  * CriteriaCategory "phish"
  * CriteriaCategory "proxy"
  * CriteriaCategory "sandbox-url"
  * CriteriaCategory "scam"
  * CriteriaCategory "scanning"
  * CriteriaCategory "server-exploit"
  * CriteriaCategory "spam"
  * CriteriaCategory "spam-url"
  * CriteriaCategory "tor"
  * CriteriaCategory "vulnerable"
  * CriteriaCategory "webinject"
* Invoking appropriate Alembic tools to stamp the auth database as being at the `head` Alembic revision...
* The 'n6create_and_initialize_auth_db' script exits gracefully.

Warning: the -D flag makes the script drop the target database first; and the -y flag suppress any confirmation prompts!

(See also: $ n6create_and_initialize_auth_db --help.)

In the example below, we will add some example data to the AuthDB, including a user and organization, which should match the subject of the client certificate, that will be used to authenticate against n6 REST API.
By using flags -i -t -s the new organization will have access to inside, threats and search access zones. (Additionally, you can specify, e.g., the -F flag to give the organization the full access rights. See also: $ n6populate_auth_db --help.)

(env)$ n6populate_auth_db -i -t -s
* The 'n6populate_auth_db' script started.
* Inserting records...
Source "abuse-ch.spyeye-doms"
Source "abuse-ch.spyeye-ips"
Source "abuse-ch.zeus-doms"
Subsource "general access to packetmail-net.others-list"
Subsource "general access to spam404-com.scam-list"
Subsource "general access to zoneh.rss"
Org ""
User ""
* The 'n6populate_auth_db' script exits gracefully.

IMPORTANT - Positional arguments of the n6populate_auth_db script:

  • ORGID (here: must match the subject’s O field in the X.509 client certificate used for certificate-based authentication against _n6 REST API and n6 Portal.
  • USERLOGIN (here: must match the subject’s CN field in the X.509 client certificate used for certificate-based authentication against _n6 REST API and n6 Portal.

Archive DB (MongoDB)

To get started, make sure that the mongod process is running:

$ systemctl status mongod

If not run the command:

$ systemctl start mongod

Now, run mongo shell:

$ mongo

In order to create database and users for n6 data, copy-paste content of the n6/etc/mongo/initdb/create_users.js file, like below:

use n6;
<content of the `n6/etc/mongo/initdb/create_users.js` file>

Adjust MongoDB configuration in /etc/mongod.conf:

  dbPath: /var/lib/mongodb
    enabled: false

  destination: file
  logAppend: true
  path: /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log

  port: 27017

  authorization: enabled

Restart the MongoDB server. To run mongod during system startup you need to create a symlink to the *.service_ file for systemd:

$ systemctl enable mongod
Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/ → /lib/systemd/system/mongod.service.
$ systemctl restart mongod

Check the status of the mongod service:

$ systemctl status mongod
● mongod.service - MongoDB Database Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; enabled; vendor preset:
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-09-05 15:41:50 CEST; 1s ago
 Main PID: 12803 (mongod)
   Memory: 40.0M
   CGroup: /system.slice/mongod.service
           └─12803 /usr/bin/mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf

Adjust the n6 Archive Raw configuration in /home/dataman/.n6/02_archiveraw.conf

mongohost =
mongoport = 27017
mongodb = n6
time_sleep_between_try_connect=5               ; time sleep (sec) between trying to reconnect
uri = mongodb://admin:password@%(mongohost)s:%(mongoport)s/?authSource=n6&authMechanism=SCRAM-SHA-1

To test the n6 Archive Raw component, rabbitmq-server and mongod services have to be configured and running. Then run:

(env_py3)$ n6archiveraw

The n6archiveraw process stops on SIGINT (CTRL + c) or SIGTERM signal. After a few seconds, all messages from the dba queue should be consumed by n6archiveraw.

Now, as a dataman user, run some n6 collector (for example the AbuseChFeodoTrackerCollector):

(env_py3)$ n6collector_abusechfeodotracker

A collector should collect data, send gathered data to the message broker (RabbitMQ) and quit. If you look into the RabbitMQ Management GUI, there should appear one or more messages in the n6 Archive Raw dba inner queue. The n6 Archive Raw component consumes messages from its inner queue and archives them in the MongoDB database.

Run n6 Archive Raw component again.

(env_py3)$ n6archiveraw

There should be logs similar to examples below:

n6: INFO 2020-01-16 16:53:21,973 UTC pika.adapters.base_connection in _create_and_connect_to_socket() (#212): Connecting to ::1:5672
n6: INFO 2020-01-16 16:53:21,976 UTC n6.base.queue             in on_connection_open() (#492): Connection opened
n6: INFO 2020-01-16 16:53:21,976 UTC n6.base.queue             in open_channels() (#537): Creating new channels
n6: INFO 2020-01-16 16:53:22,436 UTC n6.archiver.archive_raw   in create_indexes() (#366): Create indexes: 'rid' on collection: u'abuse-ch.feodotracker.202110.files'
n6: INFO 2020-01-16 16:53:22,534 UTC n6.archiver.archive_raw   in create_indexes() (#366): Create indexes: 'md5' on collection: u'abuse-ch.feodotracker.202110.files'

Check the MongoDB database:

$ mongo -u admin -p password --authenticationDatabase n6
> use n6;
> db.getCollectionNames()
> db.getCollection('abuse-ch.feodotracker.202110.files').find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e2095026e95522c7f86929c"), "received" : ISODate("2020-01-16T16:47:08Z"), "contentType" : "text/csv", "chunkSize" : 261120, "length" : 219846, "uploadDate" : ISODate("2020-01-16T16:53:22.655Z"), "http_last_modified" : "2020-01-11 14:00:00", "rid" : "8173d72f6d69142ceaa9cfa9ae908506", "md5" : "3a22aff3d9a3099f509d4cec45fe72ea" }

If you see similar output like the example above, then n6archiveraw, mongod, rabbitmq-server services work as expected!

E-mail notices


So far, the e-mail notices mechanism and the low-level tools it makes use of (jinja-template-based-renderer and mail sending API) are not used by any of the n6 pipeline components (contrary to other components, such as n6 Portal and n6 Admin Panel). So, unless you make use of some of those features in your custom pipeline component, you can ignore the following description and the configuration files it refers to.

The n6 system can send e-mail notices to its users.

To configure the e-mail notices mechanism, edit the configuration file /home/dataman/.n6/11_mailing.conf. This file contains two sections: [mail_notices_api] and [mail_sending_api], In order to enable sending e-mails, edit the key value in the mail_notices_api section active to true.

Optionally, you can customize the text of the e-mail notifications by uncommenting the notice_key_to_lang_to_mail_components key and adjusting its contents.

Optional parameters such as default_lang allow you to set the default language for notifications and default_sender adjusts the address of the mail sender.

The API system can be configured for your own SMTP server by specifying parameters such as smtp_host, smtp_port, smtp_login, smtp_password in the mail_sending_api sections.

For testing purposes, we recommend using MailHog as your SMTP server. MailHog installed on localhost will run with the default configuration settings.

There might be an issue with starting the mongod process. Check the /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log file for the following error messages:

2017-08-24T03:57:21.289-0400 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] options: { config: "/etc/mongod.conf", net: { bindIp: ",192.168.x.x" }, storage: { dbPath: "/var/lib/mongodb3" }, systemLog: { destination: "file", logAppend: true, path: "/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log" } }
2017-08-24T03:57:21.311-0400 E NETWORK  [initandlisten] Failed to unlink socket file /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock errno:1 Operation not permitted
2017-08-24T03:57:21.311-0400 I -        [initandlisten] Fatal Assertion 28578
2017-08-24T03:57:21.311-0400 I -        [initandlisten]

See more at mkyong issue

Quick way to resolve the issue:

$ rm -rf /tmp/mongodb-27017.sock
$ service mongod start