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Docker-Based Installation

Opening remarks

This short guide describes how to run, for testing and exploration, the latest version of n6 – using the Docker and Docker-Compose tools.

The goal of this guide is to give you an example of how you can run n6 in the easiest possible way, so that you can learn – by monitoring and experimenting – how the n6 system works and how you can interact with it. Keep in mind that this guide was designed for linux-based systems. Even with usage of Docker and Docker-Compose – we cannot guarantee – that it will work on other systems such as Windows or Mac OS.


If you wish to explore the n6’s ecosystem a bit more profoundly you may want to familiarize yourself with the Step-by-Step Installation guide as well.

Disclaimer: what these materials are and what they are not

This installation guide, as well as the stuff you can find in the etc/ and docker/ directories of the n6 source code repository, concern setting up an n6 instance just for testing, exploration and experimentation, i.e., not for production (at least, not without careful security-focused adjustments).

In other words, these materials are not intended to be used as a recipe for a secure production setup – in particular, when it comes to (but not limited to) such issues as X.509 certificates (note that those in the etc/ssl/* directories of the source code repository are purely example ones – they should never be used for anything related to production systems!), authentication and authorization settings (which in these materials are, generally, either skipped or reduced to what is necessary just to run the stuff), or file access permissions.

It should be obvious that an experienced system administrator and/or security specialist should prepare and/or carefully review and adjust any configuration/installation/deployment of services that are to be made production ones, in particular if those services are to be made public.


  • Docker Engine installed (a reasonably new version)
  • Docker-Compose installed (a reasonably new version)
  • The n6 source code repository cloned


n6 currently works with Docker-Compose. The project should build just fine with Docker Compose, but at this moment, we cannot guarantee that everything works on Docker Compose V2.

Building the environment


Make sure you are in the top-level directory of the cloned source code repository.

To build our demonstrational n6 environment we use Docker-Compose which binds all the services needed to run the n6 infrastructure.

docker-compose build

The result of the process are ready-to-use docker images.


Sometimes docker images might not be built correctly due to external factors. In case of any errors, try building them once more.


The Docker stack requires all images to be built correctly. In case of errors, please do not hesitate to create an issue on our GitHub site.

If the build process has been correctly performed you should be able to run the following command to obtain a result similar to what is listed here:

docker images | grep n6
n6_mysql            latest              a34ee42c8e58        20 minutes ago      551MB
n6_rabbit           latest              841d42d17010        20 minutes ago      250MB
n6_web              latest              1f219d032515        21 minutes ago      2.39GB
n6_worker           latest              ec6c16c8bee5        22 minutes ago      1.67GB
n6_base             latest              1263daaf01e0        22 minutes ago      1.42GB

Basic features of the prepared Docker stack

n6-specific Docker images to be run:

  • n6_worker – Python environment running the n6 pipeline stuff (collectors, parsers etc.)
  • n6_mysql – MariaDB database instance, running the n6’s Event DB and Auth DB
  • n6_rabbit – RabbitMQ message broker
  • n6_webn6 services: REST API, Portal API+GUI, Admin Panel

Another image we also make use of:

  • n6_mongo:4.2 – MongoDB database (NoSQL) running the n6’s Archive DB
  • n6_base – Dependencies running the n6’s

By default, the stack exposes the following ports:

  • 80 – redirects to 443 (to use HTTPS)
  • 443 – n6 Portal GUI + n6 Portal API (/api)
  • 3001 – n6 Portal GUI parameterization configurator
  • 4443 – n6 REST API
  • 4444 – n6 Admin Panel
  • 15671 – RabbitMQ Management


Make sure that all ports are not used by your localhost. If a port is used by another service, please change it in the docker-compose.yml file and for GUI parameterization configurator you also need to change port in run_app_server.js in N6Porta/reactapp/config/

Launching the system

To start the n6 environment, execute:

docker-compose up

Now, give Docker a few minutes to initialize.


You can add the -d flag to run the stuff in the background (detached mode).

To use port 3001 you need to run the Portal GUI parameterization configurator:

docker-compose exec web bash


cd /home/dataman/n6/N6Portal/react_app && yarn run config

First startup

At first run you have to create the Auth DB database tables and its schema. To create the tables use the n6create_and_initialize_auth_db script (use the -D flag to first drop any existing Auth DB tables, and the -y flag to suppress any confirmation prompts):

docker-compose run --rm worker n6create_and_initialize_auth_db -D -y
* The 'n6create_and_initialize_auth_db' script started.
* Dropping the auth database if it exists...
* Creating the new auth database...
* Creating the new auth database tables...
* Inserting new `criteria_category` records...
  * CriteriaCategory "amplifier"
  * CriteriaCategory "bots"
  * CriteriaCategory "backdoor"
  * CriteriaCategory "cnc"
  * CriteriaCategory "deface"
  * CriteriaCategory "dns-query"
  * CriteriaCategory "dos-attacker"
  * CriteriaCategory "dos-victim"
  * CriteriaCategory "flow"
  * CriteriaCategory "flow-anomaly"
  * CriteriaCategory "fraud"
  * CriteriaCategory "leak"
  * CriteriaCategory "malurl"
  * CriteriaCategory "malware-action"
  * CriteriaCategory "other"
  * CriteriaCategory "phish"
  * CriteriaCategory "proxy"
  * CriteriaCategory "sandbox-url"
  * CriteriaCategory "scam"
  * CriteriaCategory "scanning"
  * CriteriaCategory "server-exploit"
  * CriteriaCategory "spam"
  * CriteriaCategory "spam-url"
  * CriteriaCategory "tor"
  * CriteriaCategory "vulnerable"
  * CriteriaCategory "webinject"
* Invoking appropriate Alembic tools to stamp the auth database as being at the `head` Alembic revision...
* The 'n6create_and_initialize_auth_db' script exits gracefully.

Here you go! n6 is ready to use.

But, please, read on (to learn, in particular, how to get into n6…).

Populating the Auth DB with example data

Let us add some example data to the Auth DB, in particular, creating an example user and its organization. You will be prompted to enter the user’s password. Remember it. You will need it to log in to the n6 Portal.

docker-compose run --rm worker n6populate_auth_db -F -i -t -s -p

To see the results, restart (or reload) the apache2 service:

docker-compose exec web apache2ctl restart

As mentioned in disclaimer

This is not a production setup, so it may produce error:

AH00558: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using Set the 'ServerName' directive globally to suppress this message

For local development or testing of n6 you can simply ignore it.

Then you can try the n6 Admin Panel’s interface: https://localhost:4444/org. There should be new records in the following Auth DB tables: org, user, source, subsource.


In case you ever forgot password typed while populating auth_db. You can always change it in admin panel -> user.

Multi-Factor Authentication Setup

In your browser, type URL https://localhost/, where the password authentication pages will appear. Insert credentials to log in. Login: and password configured while creating account. Then follow the directions in Multi-Factor Authentication Setup. You might encounter session expired or similar error after you set your Multi-Factor Authentication, don’t mind it and just log in again, but wait for the new code to appear in your authentication application/extension.

Working with Docker environment

Start worker container in the interactive mode:

docker-compose exec worker bash

First, look at the container’s directory structure:

ls -l
drwxr-xr-x 3 dataman dataman     4096 Jan 27 10:18 certs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 dataman dataman       80 Jan 27 10:19
drwxr-xr-x 1 dataman dataman     4096 Jan 27 10:18 env
drwxr-xr-x 1 dataman dataman     4096 Jan 27 10:22 logs
drwxr-xr-x 1 dataman dataman     4096 Jan 27 10:19 n6
-rw-r--r-- 1 dataman dataman 39026234 Jan 27 10:19 node_modules.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 1 dataman dataman     4096 Jan 27 10:22 supervisord
drwxr-xr-x 2 dataman dataman     4096 Jan 27 10:17 tmp

Some files and directories are worth mentioning – namely:

  • the script wraps the given command, adding a necessary Python environment. It is used on every run/execution of the worker image. For example, we can run an n6 collector script in two ways:

  • docker-compose exec worker ./ n6collector_abusechfeodotracker or

  • docker-compose exec worker bash and then ./ n6collector_abusechfeodotracker


You could also go with docker-compose run worker ..., but keep in mind that it will create new worker container. While using run command, you don’t need to use ./ before n6collector_abusechfeodotracker.

  • the logs directory contains log files created by n6 components. Every collector, parser or other n6 component will write its logs here.

The logs directory will be lost on every container stop. You can use the Docker’s volumes feature to make the directory persistent.

  • the supervisord directory contains Supervisor-related configuration files; the subdirectory programs contains a list of n6 components that will be run by the supervisord process. You are free to mount the programs directory as a volume into the container and add more parsers.

  • the n6 directory contains the cloned repository. The n6 infrastructure has been installed with the develop option. This means that you can mount the whole locally cloned n6 directory as a volume into the container. As a result, every change in locally stored n6 code will be immediately applied inside the container on every docker-compose run <n6parser/collector/etc> (without the need to reinstall n6 each time).



This setup requires running docker-compose up.

Run supervisorctl to examine the status of all n6 components:

docker-compose exec worker supervisorctl -c supervisord/supervisord.conf
n6aggregator                         RUNNING   pid 34, uptime 0:05:55
n6archiveraw                         RUNNING   pid 35, uptime 0:05:55
n6comparator                         RUNNING   pid 36, uptime 0:05:55
n6enrich:n6enrich_00                 RUNNING   pid 37, uptime 0:05:55
n6filter:n6filter_00                 RUNNING   pid 38, uptime 0:05:55
n6log_std                            RUNNING   pid 42, uptime 0:05:53
n6parser_abusechfeodotracker202110   RUNNING   pid 40, uptime 0:05:55
n6recorder                           RUNNING   pid 41, uptime 0:05:55

Running the container initializes and starts processes configured to be run by Supervisor.

Components being run by Supervisor work as daemon processes. Running a parser triggers creation of a per-data-source RabbitMQ queue.

In the interactive mode, after executing source ./, you can type, in bash, n6 + the TAB key to see all available n6 executable scripts. To see some data flowing through components via message broker, run one of the collectors, e.g.:n6collector_abusechfeodotracker.

docker-compose exec worker bash
source ./

Now you can log in to the n6 portal and:

  • go to All Incidents page.
  • click the events tab.
  • press search button (you can also set start date on datepicker).

and Events will load. If you used different collectors you can also add filters to search events. To see more detailed information on how n6 store the data, you might want to connect to MariaDB database via terminal or GUI client.

You can also use REST API, but to do so you need to set your API KEY. To set your API KEY follow these steps:

  • Click the user icon located in the top right corner.
  • Go to user settings
  • Under multi-factor authentication you will see API key section
  • click generate key
  • Now you can click on the generated key to copy it to clickboard.

Then you can make a request to the REST API, for example to obtain the collected data (if any) for the current user, do:

docker-compose exec worker bash
curl -k 'https://web:4443/search/events.json?time.min=2015-01-01T00:00:00' -H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY'

And you should see some json data.

! note To see any data in REST API you need to run the collector e.g.:n6collector_abusechfeodotracker.

Checking availability of services and watching the system

RabbitMQ Management (with RabbitMQ-generated GUI):

n6 Admin Panel:

n6 Portal API user authentication status:

n6 Portal GUI:

  • URL: https://localhost/

  • Credentials to log in, when using login+password authentication: username:, organization:, password: entered when calling the n6populate_auth_db script.

Additional tools

MongoDB Compass / Studio 3T Free - client GUI for MongoDB:

  • Connection:

  • name: any, e.g.: “n6-open”

  • hostname: localhost
  • port: 27017

  • Authentication:

  • database name: n6 or admin

  • username: admin
  • password: password
  • auth mechanism: MONGODB-CR or Default in MongoDB Compass


Studio 3T Free requires account and has unskippable free trial of Studio 3T. If you don’t want to register, you can use MongoDB Compass.

MongoDB - interactive mode:

docker-compose exec mongo bash
mongo --host mongo n6 -u admin -p password

MySQL Workbench - client GUI for SQL database:

  • Connection name: any, e.g.: “Local n6 instance”
  • Connection method: Standard TCP/IP
  • Hostname: localhost
  • Port: 3306
  • Username: root
  • Password: password


MySQL Workbench will warn you about incompatible/nonstandard version of server. You receive that warning, because you are actually connecting to MariaDB server. It’s only informing you about possible problems, not detected ones. Therefore it can be ignored. However, if you want to avoid any possible errors, you can use other clients that support MariaDB directly (e.g. DBeaver community edition).

MySQL - Interactive mode:

docker-compose exec mysql bash
mysql --host mysql --user root -ppassword

Shutdown and cleanup

Stop and remove all containers, network bridge and Docker images:

docker-compose down --rmi all -v