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Backend API

When it comes to the knowledge base, the n6 Portal’s backend API provides the following endpoints: * Table of Contents (GET /knowledge_base/contents), * Article (GET /knowledge_base/articles/<article_id>), * Search (GET /knowledge_base/search).

HTTP responses of the endpoints are strictly dependent on switching on/off the knowledge base (see Initialization and Configuration).

The Table of Contents endpoint

URL: /knowledge_base/contents
Description: getting the table of contents of the knowledge base (for logged in user)
Methods: GET
Authentication required: yes
Parameters: lack
Posible HTTP responses: - 200 OK - table of contents in JSON format - 403 Forbidden - client is not authenticated - 404 Not Found - client is authenticated but knowledge base is switched off - 500 Internal Server Error - error in backend API, also in case of incorrect knowledge base structure when it is switched on (see section “Correctnes of the structure - minimal boundary conditions” in Content Management)

Example output

    "title": {
        "pl": "Spis artykułów",
        "en": "Table of contents" 
    "chapters": [
            "id": 10,
            "title": {
                "pl": "Nowości",
                "en": "News" 
            "articles": [
                    "id": 10,
                    "url": "/knowledge_base/articles/10",
                    "title": {
                        "pl": "Nowe funkcje w n6",
                        "en": "New functions in n6" 
                    "id": 20,
                    "url": "/knowledge_base/articles/20",
                    "title": {
                        "pl": "Migracja do nowej wersji Pythona",
                        "en": "Migration to a new Python version" 
            "id": 20,
            "title": {
                "pl": "Cyberbezpieczeństwo",
                "en": "Cybersecurity" 
            "articles": [
                    "id": 30,
                    "url": "/knowledge_base/articles/30",
                    "title": {
                        "pl": "Najczęstsze ataki",
                        "en": "Most frequent attacks" 

The Article endpoint

URL: /knowledge_base/articles/<article_id>
Description: getting fixed article in all language versions (for logged in user)
Methods: GET
Authentication required: yes
Parameters: lack
Posible HTTP responses: - 200 OK - article with identifier article_id in JSON format - 403 Forbidden - client is not authenticated - 404 Not Found - client is authenticated but article with identifier article_id cannot be found or knowledge base is switched off - 500 Internal Server Error - error in backend API

Example output

    "id": 10,
    "chapter_id": 10,
    "content": {
        "pl": "# **Nowe funkcje w n6**\nTekst o nowych funkcjach w n6\n",
        "en": "# **New functions**\nText about new functions in n6\n\n"

The Search endpoint

URL: /knowledge_base/search
Description: getting the subset of the table of contents with articles which contain at least one of the word from the search phrase (for logged in user)
Methods: GET
Authentication required: yes
Parameters: - lang - language of the searching (posible values: pl, en) - q - search phrase (any characters except new line indicator, with total length between 3 and 100 chars)

Posible HTTP responses: - 200 OK - subset of the table of contents in JSON format - 400 Bad Request - wrong or lack of necessary parameters in HTTP request - 403 Forbidden - client is not authenticated - 404 Not Found - client is authenticated but knowledge base is switched off - 500 Internal Server Error - error in backend API, also in case of incorrect knowledge base structure when it is switched on (see section “Correctnes of the structure - minimal boundary conditions” in Content Management)

Example output

    "title": {
        "pl": "Spis artykułów",
        "en": "Table of contents" 
    "chapters": [
            "id": 20,
            "title": {
                "pl": "Cyberbezpieczeństwo",
                "en": "Cybersecurity" 
            "articles": [
                    "id": 30,
                    "url": "/knowledge_base/articles/30",
                    "title": {
                        "pl": "Najczęstsze ataki",
                        "en": "Most frequent attacks" 