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Step-by-Step Installation

TODO note

This guide needs essential updates regarding:

  • The migration of n6 from Python 2.7 to 3.9 (as well as the related upgrades applied to other software in use, including the OS). Notably, the current implementation of the n6 data pipeline resides in the top-level dir N6DataPipeline (Python-3-only), not in the removed top-level dir N6Core (where the legacy Python-2 stuff used to be kept).

  • The swich to a brand new frontend of n6 Portal (React-based).

Opening remarks

The goal of this guide is to give you an example of how you can glue the relevant elements together in a (relatively) easy way, so that you can learn – by setting up your own n6 instance, running it, then monitoring and experimenting with it – how the n6 system works and how you can interact with it.


If you are in a hurry you may want to try the Docker-Based Installation guide instead.

Disclaimer: what these materials are and what they are not

This installation guide, as well as the stuff you can find in the etc/ directory of the n6 source code repository, concern setting up an n6 instance just for testing, exploration and experimentation, i.e., not for production (at least, not without careful security-focused adjustments).

In other words, these materials are not intended to be used as a recipe for a secure production setup – in particular, when it comes to (but not limited to) such issues as X.509 certificates (note that those in the etc/ssl/* directories of the source code repository are purely example ones – they should never be used for anything related to production systems!), authentication and authorization settings (which in these materials are, generally, either skipped or reduced to what is necessary just to run the stuff), or file access permissions.

It should be obvious that an experienced system administrator and/or security specialist should prepare and/or carefully review and adjust any configuration/installation/deployment of services that are to be made production ones, in particular if those services are to be made public.

This guide’s contents