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n6 Stream API

The stream API complements the REST API of the n6 platform. The stream API allows to receive events asynchronously, near real-time. The JSON data format is identical with the one used in the REST API (with a single exception: see next sections).

Transport layer

The stream API is based on STOMP (Simple Text Oriented Message Protocol).

Connections are authenticated by the following credentials:

  • username – the n6 user’s login (being an e-mail address);
  • passcode – the n6 user’s API key (the same which can be used to authenticate to the n6 REST API; a user can generate their n6 API key by their own via the n6 Portal).

Address of the STOMP server:

Supported STOMP versions: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2. TLS is mandatory. We recommend to use the most recent version of the protocol (1.2) and the OpenSSL cryptographic library.

To receive data from n6, the client must subscribe to an appropriate STOMP destination. The client uses the destination header to define which of the available events should be delivered through the connection. The format is as follows (ABNF syntax):

destination = "destination:/exchange/" id "/" resource "."
category "." source-provider "." source-channel

Meaning of the variables:

  • id: n6 client organization identifier (the user organization’s domain name registered in the n6 system)
  • resource: analogous to the REST API resource, can take one of the following values
  • inside: events that occurred within the client’s network
  • threats: data on threats relevant to the recipient, might not be present in the client’s network (e.g. command and control servers)
  • category: equal to value of the category field in events
  • source-provider and source-channel: the two components of the identifier of the source of the information (source provider: the label of a group of sources which is, typically, provided by one organization or person; source channel: the label of a specific feed)

Except id, each of the variables can be substituted by an asterisk (*), which matches any value.

Data format

Each STOMP message corresponds to a single n6 event in JSON format. All attributes described in the REST API documentation are available in the stream API with identical semantics.

Additionally, there is a type attribute that can take following values:

  • event: a single event
  • bl-new: new blacklist entry
  • bl-update: update of the expiration time for a blacklist entry
  • bl-change: change of any attribute except expiration time for a blacklist entry
  • bl-delist: removal of a blacklist entry


Example 1

Subscription to all available events for client (no filtering):




^@ is a terminal escape sequence for NULL (ASCII 0x00), which signals the end of a STOMP frame. Common keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + 2.

Message from the server (lines wrapped for readability):

{"category": "bots", "origin": "sinkhole", "confidence": "medium",
"name": "slenfbot", "address": [{"cc": "PL", "ip": "",
"asn": 8308}], "source": "hidden.48", "time": "2015-08-28T09:32:05Z",
"type": "event", "id": "0f56ebba9129003dc6192e72eef50e70"}

Example 2

STOMP destination used to receive only information about malware infections (category “bots”) within the protected network, regardless of the original data source:


Example 3

Connecting to the server using OpenSSL command line tools, authenticate and subscribe:

openssl s_client -connect






You have few seconds to send CONNECT frame before connection close automatically.