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Installation and Configuration

Necessary n6 packages

Make sure you have the N6DataPipeline package installed:

(env)$ ./ N6DataPipeline

IntelMQ package

Install the intelmq package from PyPI. For the best compatibility, install the 3.0.2 version, which is the last version tested.

(env)$ pip install intelmq
(env)$ useradd -d /opt/intelmq -U -s /bin/bash intelmq
$ sudo intelmqsetup

IntelMQ runtime configuration

n6 bot runner uses IntelMQ’s runtime configuration. It may be placed in ‘/opt/intelmq/etc/runtime.yaml’ or ‘/etc/intelmq/runtime.yaml’ etc.

This YAML config’s options are the IDs of the bots. These IDs will be used as arguments for the n6 command n6run_bot. You can use existing bot configurations or define new ones.

n6 system for running IntelMQ bots reads the n6config subsection in bot ID section, which is ignored by the IntelMQ. This subsection provides some configuration, which may be required for some types of bots (like parser bots).

Example IntelMQ bot configuration

  bot_id: spamhaus-drop-parser
    Spamhaus Drop Parser is the bot responsible to parse the DROP, EDROP,
    DROPv6, and ASN-DROP reports and sanitize the information.
  enabled: false
  group: Parser
  groupname: parsers
  module: intelmq.bots.parsers.spamhaus.parser_drop
  name: Spamhaus Drop
      _default: [taxonomy-expert-queue]
  run_mode: continuous
    default_binding_key: spamhaus.intelmq-collector

The section defines the bot with ID spamhaus-drop-parser, which is a parser bot. Parser bots require a default_binding_key option in the n6config section. The option’s value means that the parser will accept incoming messages from the collector, which sends messages with routing key spamhaus.intelmq-collector.

n6 pipeline configuration

You have to place IntelMQ components somewhere in the pipeline. It can be achieved by configuring components that will be used in the n6 config’s pipeline section. For example: you want to obtain the following order of components:

spamhaus.intelmq-collector -> spamhaus-drop-parser -> maxmind-expert
-> gethostbyname-1-expert -> intelmq-to-n6-adapter -> enricher

The intelmq-to-n6-adapter is a component, which converts messages from IntelMQ format to n6 format.

The pipeline configuration should look like:

enricher = parsed, intelmq-to-n6-adapter
intelmq-to-n6-adapter = gethostbyname-1-expert
gethostbyname-1-expert = maxmind-expert
maxmind-expert = intelmq-parsed

intelmq-parsed is a default routing state (part of routing key that messages are sent with, characteristic for the component) for the parser bots. Routing states of expert bots are by default their IDs.