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Configuration of n6 Web Components


The following examples assume the home directory path is /home/dataman and the project directory path is /home/dataman/n6.


To complete any of the steps described below you need to have:


Set up database connection addresses in /home/dataman/n6/etc/web/conf/api.ini (Pyramid framework configuration):

sqlalchemy.url = mysql://root:password@localhost/n6
auth_db.url = mysql://root:password@localhost/auth_db

Copy (as root) the Apache2 config from /home/dataman/n6/etc/apache2/sites-available/n6-api.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available/.

$ cp /home/dataman/n6/etc/apache2/sites-available/n6-api.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/

Add the ServerName option in /etc/apache2/sites-available/n6-api.conf with your server’s name as its value, so a part of configuration looks like the one below:

<VirtualHost *:4443>
    ServerAdmin admin@localhost
    ServerName localhost  # add this line

Also set the ServerName in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf:

$ sudo echo 'ServerName localhost' >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf

Enable the website:

$ sudo a2ensite n6-api
$ systemctl restart apache2

Querying the API

(env_py3k)$ cd ~/certs
(env_py3k)$ curl --cert cert.pem --key key.pem -k 'https://localhost:4443/search/events.json?time.min=2015-01-01T00:00:00'


This response means the event database is empty.

n6 REST API configuration

The configuration file api.ini provides several options important for proper working the n6 REST API, especially concerning application, server and logging configuration. All options are described in detail in the api.ini file comments.

n6 Portal

First, install npm and yarn:

$ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs npm
$ sudo npm i npm@latest -g
$ sudo npm install --global yarn

Update node. Recommended version is current LTS. One of the easiest ways to update node is through the n Node.js Version Manager:

$ sudo npm install -g n
$ sudo n lts

If the command:

$ node --version

still returns the old version, open a new shell.


Install dependencies and build GUI application:

# Important: commands should be launched in virtualenv
(env_py3k)$ cd /home/dataman/n6/N6Portal/react_app
(env_py3k)$ yarn
(env_py3k)$ npm_config_yes=true npx yarn-audit-fix
(env_py3k)$ yarn build


Before building the GUI application or running a development server, it may be required to configure the application first. The mini web application should be used as a graphical user interface for configuration. See the n6 Portal GUI Configuration section for further details.

Set up connections to the databases in configuration file /home/dataman/n6/etc/web/conf/portal.ini:

sqlalchemy.url = mysql://root:password@localhost/n6
auth_db.url = mysql://root:password@localhost/auth_db


The URL of the database depends on the location of the database and installed N6Portal API application. If they are kept on the same host, then localhost can be used as an address of the database. Otherwise, it should be replaced with an address of the host serving the database. In the latter case the SQL database server should be configured to allow remote connections: configuration instructions

Also replace default server secrets in options related to mfa, web tokens and api key. You can generate a safe secret string using this command:

$ python3 -c 'import os, base64; print(base64.b64encode(os.urandom(40), b"-_").decode())'
web_tokens.token_type_to_settings =
        'for_login': {
            'server_secret': <secret string>,
            'token_max_age': 60,
        'for_mfa_config': {
            'server_secret': <secret string>,
            'token_max_age': 3600,
        'for_password_reset': {
            'server_secret': <secret string>,
            'token_max_age': 3600,
web_tokens.server_secret_for_pseudo_tokens = <secret string>
mfa.server_secret = <secret string>
api_key_based_auth.server_secret = <secret string>

Copy (as root) the Apache2 config from /home/dataman/n6/etc/apache2/sites-available/n6-portal.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available/ and edit the file:

$ sudo cp /home/dataman/n6/etc/apache2/sites-available/n6-portal.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/
$ sudo a2ensite n6-portal
$ systemctl restart apache2

The n6 Portal should be accessible via https://server_IP_or_FQDN/ (where server_IP_or_FQDN is the address of your Apache server). n6 Portal has implemented two-factor authentication, which needs security token as a second factor to authenticate logging user. For creating securty token you can use an open-source 2FA tool (for example free-OTP or Google authenticator).

n6 Portal Configuration

Back-end Application

The configuration file portal.ini provides necessary options important for n6 Portal component, especially configurations related to authentication policy, mfa and web tokens, api key, databases event_db and auth_db, mail notices, rt_client, logging and more. All options are described in detail in the portal.ini file comments.

n6 Portal GUI Configuration

A mini web application, ran inside GUI’s yarn environment, may be used to easily configure the n6 Portal GUI application. Configurable options are: n6 Portal API URL (URL of the n6 Portal back-end application; it should be specifically set if GUI and API are hosted in diferrent origins, e.g., different host, different port) and a location of locale files - JSON files that contain sets of text strings and translations used in GUI’s web pages.

Locale files may be edited through the configuration application. Currently, it is possible to edit texts and labels related to the Terms of Service page (it is shown before a sign-up form). Default locale files contain Terms of Service template. Texts should be edited in order to customize the terms of using the application.

The configuration app is available after yarn dependencies have been installed. Go to a directory containing the GUI application (/home/dataman/n6/N6Portal/react_app by default) and use a command below to run a development server, which will serve the app:

$ yarn run config

The web application will be served at by default. Go to the address (it should be available from the localhost as well as from remote host) from a web browser.

On the first screen two options can be set:

  • n6Portal API URL - it may be a relative address, e.g., an alias to the API (/api by default) or an absolute address, like An absolute address should be set if GUI and API are hosted in different origins. See the Hosting GUI and API in different origins section for further details.
  • Path to Terms of Service Locale JSON File - an absolute path to a directory containing the locale files. If the input is left empty, a default path will be used (config/locale directory inside the GUI directory). Otherwise, an empty or nonexistent directory may be used, so the templates of locale files will be saved there. Or it can be a path to directory that already contains locale files. In the latter case the directory must contain a proper subdirectories structure and JSON files must have all the required fields. If you do not have a directory containing locale files, choose an empty directory first, so templates can be saved, and then they may be customized.

To save the settings, click the Save current settings button. Then, click Go to next view. This view presents two forms representing English and Polish locale files. The List of Terms section contains a list of terms. Terms may be deleted and added. Other inputs represent single text, header or message, being a part of the Terms of Service.

The Version of document input is an exception. It is a read-only field that is modified after saving changes to locale file. Its value is a string that identifies a version of file’s content. It contains date and time when the file has been saved, language tag, and a hash of file’s content.

After customizing the locale, click the Save current locale button. If it succeeds, then changes have been saved in configuration and locale files. The web application can be closed and the development server may be terminated (CTRL+C).

For the changes to be applied, GUI has to be build again, or if it is served via a development server, it should be restarted.

Access to Remote SQL Database

Address to Bind

Locate the bind-address option in MariaDB configuration files, in the mysqld section. It is usually in /etc/mysql/my.cnf or in /etc/mysql/mariadb.conf.d/50-server.cnf in case of serving the database via Docker. It can be easily located using rgrep:

$ rgrep bind-address /etc/mysql

MariaDB is usually bound to the loopback interface ( by default. Edit the configuration file to set the bind-address to the address of a remote host, which will connect to the database, or to in order to accept connection from every IP address.

Granting User Connections from Remote Host

Log into the MariaDB command line client:

$ mysql -u root -ppassword

Create a new user and grant him privileges:

CREATE USER '<username>'@'<address>' IDENTIFIED BY '<password>';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO '<username>'@'<address>';

Replace the placeholders with actual values:

  • <username> - name of the newly created user
  • <address> - address of the remote host
  • <password> - user’s password

For more detailed instructions, see the MariaDB documentation.

Hosting GUI and API in Different Origins

If GUI and n6 Portal API applications are being served on different hosts, their protocols are different (e.g., GUI is accessed through http:// URL and API - through https://) or ports, the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) mechanism should be configured to allow GUI to connect to API. Article on CORS.

Let us consider the example, where GUI application is being served on one host, and is accessible through The backend n6 Portal API application is configured on the other host, being accessible through

When the GUI is being accessed in browser, and it makes request to API on, the request will be blocked with an error like Cross-Origin Request Blocked…

First, the API URL has to be set in GUI’s configuration. Open the configuration web app, set the n6Portal API URL field to

Then, CORS headers should be added to Apache2 application’s configuration. Make sure that the headers module is enabled:

$ sudo a2enmod headers

In the configuration file of the n6 Portal application: /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/n6-portal.conf, inside the <VirtualHost> section or one of following section: <Directory>, <Location>, <Files>, add:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin ""
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Credentials true

The * (asterisk) sign may be used instead of, which allows cross-origin requests from all websites. However, it is not recommended.

If the address is set to allow cross-origin requests from, then this address should be used to access GUI. Even if, for example, is a localhost, GUI should not be accessed through http://localhost:8080 URL.

More articles on setting the CORS headers: * *


There are a few possible causes:

n6 Portal Api is not working

Check if n6 Portal API is available using CURL. In case of wrong configuration, the API should throw an error with 500 status code.

$ cd ~/certs
$ curl --cert cert.pem --key key.pem -k 'https://localhost/api/info'

Proper result:

$ {"authenticated": false}

If you get the 500 Internal Server Error message, then there is something wrong with:

  • n6-portal.conf Apache2 configuration. Check whether all paths there are valid.
  • n6/etc/web/wsgi/portal.wsgi: check if the path in ini_path is valid
  • n6/etc/web/conf/portal.ini : check options: sqlalchemy.url and auth_db.url

Other issues

Check the n6 Apache logs (/var/log/apache2/*-n6*.log) to look into the cause of an issue. Consider creating an issue at n6 GitHub project:

n6 Admin Panel

Copy the example n6 Admin Panel configuration files to the directory with n6 config files:

(env_py3k)$ cp /home/dataman/n6/N6AdminPanel/n6adminpanel/admin_panel.conf /home/dataman/.n6

It is recommended to generate a random string to be used as the secret key for your instance of the n6 Admin Panel application:

(env_py3k)$ python -c 'import os, base64; print(base64.b64encode(os.urandom(32), b"-_").decode())'

Set the resultant random string as the value of the app_secret_key option in the [admin_panel] section of the /home/dataman/.n6/admin_panel.conf configuration file.

app_secret_key = <generated_string>

Copy (as root) the Apache2 configuration file for n6 Admin Panel from /home/dataman/n6/etc/apache2/n6-adminpanel.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available/n6-adminpanel.conf:

$ cp /home/dataman/n6/etc/apache2/sites-available/n6-adminpanel.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/

Then enable the site and reload Apache2 configuration (as root):

$ sudo a2ensite n6-adminpanel
$ systemctl reload apache2

The n6 Admin Panel should be accessible via https://server_IP_or_FQDN:4444/ (where server_IP_or_FQDN is the address of your Apache server).


The example n6 Admin Panel website configuration has no authentication! (So, in particular, do not make that website public!)